lørdag, august 21, 2004
fredag, august 20, 2004
Old house

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.
Actually this might be a storage house thing. But these houses, and many others, some as old as 800 years, were brought to the Folkmuseum in Oslo. Some people work in the museum in period costume, like at Old Sturbridge Villiage or Plymouth Plantation (or the non-MA equivilants). These have grass roofs.
The Fram

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.
Tara captains the Fram, which is easier now that the ship is in a museum. But it was way more difficult when Amundsen used it to get to Antarctica when he made the first ever trip to the South Pole, and especially when he or somebody else got it stuck in Arctic ice flows for a few months. Well, i guess the captaining part wasn't as hard then, but it was pretty damn cold.
Cool dude

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.
This is a Munch painting of a wicked cool dude. I mean, look at him! He's an author or something. We really like him. We like Munch too, or at least his paintings. Shrik (the Scream) is amazing. So amazing that it got stolen in the 90's sometime. The museum defended itself, "We didn't expect anybody to use a ladder!" referring to the theif who had climbed into a window instead of using a door. But Shrik is back. And amazing.
Bryggen, again

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.
Within the old area of Bergen, one finds cool narrow alleys like this. We chilled right around here for about 3 hours before discovering we were blocking the famous Norwegian pink mineral (damned if I know what it's called) that was on all the tours from docked cruise ships. Oops.
torsdag, august 19, 2004
Along the train ride from Oslo to Bergen

Along the train ride from Oslo to Bergen
Originally uploaded by ertzeid.
This is from off the train, at the highest point along the ride.
The Resistance Museum

The Resistance Museum
Originally uploaded by ertzeid.
Chronicles Norwegian resistance to the Nazi invasion and occupation of the country
Midnight Dusk

Midnight Dusk
Originally uploaded by ertzeid.
Oslo, from my uncle and aunt's balcony.
Up further north is the land of the midnight sun, but Oslo is a little far south for that..
fredag, august 13, 2004
Guinness Deed

Guinness Deed
Originally uploaded by ertzeid.
Arthur Guinness rented the property for 9000 years for one pound.