søndag, september 19, 2004

We've been found!

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Oh no! The CIA found us! In Dingle!

Another American pose...

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Well, either Wild West or Black Bloc, depending on whether the salad dressing is a revolver or a molotov. Either way, pretty badarse.

4th of July in Killarney!

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

"TMQ, do something American by the 4th of July placard!" Besides, of course, the red white and blue outfit, provided by me and KPd.

Anal bum cover

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

That's, An Album Cover, Mr. Connery.
But seriously, as soon as SBH has an album, this'll at least be in the liner notes. It's so... liner note-y =)
oh, KPd at the beach on the Ring of Kerry, btw.

First night of camping!

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

We were troopers, camping on the lawn there... The picture doesn't show the evidence of dog, but it left only one exact spot for the tent to go and not get ew. But, pretty site! Even if we did have to walk around the block to go to the bathroom at night... Until we realized we didn't have to...
We had the same view from the kitchen, where we drank tea with some guys who'd been there a week waiting to take a boat to the Skellig Rocks. It was cool.

Pretty horsey

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Just randomly by the side of the road. It was shod, so it wasn't wild. Later we found tons of horses chillin' near a carriage house.

Hence the term 'Gap'

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Check out the pretty. We had lots of it.


Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Our intrepid heroes on their journey up the Gap of Dunloe (sp?). through rain and gravel and pricker-bushes in the face. Oh and alongside major roads. But it was the fanciest bicycle I'd ever ridden, and the fanciest helmet I ever wore.

The road goes ever on and on

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Or up and up, in this case. So steep we had to walk. But then we reached the top, and got to coast the whole way down.


Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Check out the green. There was the most amazing green. I mean, wow. Green.

Killarney National Park

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Not that the waterfall wasn't... but this is from our massive boat/bike extravaganza! With soup and apple tart in the middle. Much longer story than fits in my blurbs.


Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Werd, we walked a helluva long way to get there... and had to turn right around and go back, so as to be able to call a taxi back to town before the place with the phone in it closed. But, it's pretty!


Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

And her fantabulous new method for doing laundry! It actually didn't work as well as hoped... but it made for a great picture! Maybe our clothes were just that dirty... Fuckin' dirty hippies...


Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

In Cork. This cool kid at the hostel, who'd been at Blarney Castle as well, showed us around. We also went to this amazing microbrewery, but I had no taste-camera, so you'll have to fill that part in yourselves.

My feet!

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Also in the tree. Thanks to KPd for the artsy photography =)

More Blarney Castle Grounds

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Us in a tree! We were pretty trusting with my camera... but I was prepared to jump down and run barefoot after the people, if necessary...

Blarney Castle Grounds

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

From the Castle itself. Check out the green. And the pretty.

Kissing the Blarney Stone!

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Well, there's a bit of a delay on the camera... But now I heave leave to make up stories for 7 years. You think that's really me in the picture? You think that's air you're breathing?

Ok yeah it's me... And it's probably air as well.


Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Under Blarney Castle, there are all these crazy caves. We eventually found some other adventurous kids with a flashlight, and explored the caves. One had all this writing inside with some white paint or something, and looked like the meeting place for some weird secret society or something. Freaky...

The Hill of Tara!

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Check out the mounds... oh and the suggestive rock in the background... if you stand on the rock and it moans, then you're the new king! or something. TMQ has the book and it's been a while.

fredag, september 10, 2004

The Millenium Spire!

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

As KPd says, it's the toothpick in the giant olive we call Earth. It's also silly. Dublin celebrated the millenium (of 101 Reasons the 90's Ruled fame) by erecting a giant spire in the middle of the city.

Air Force One!

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

It had the USAF seal, and said United States of America, and was in Dublin Airport right when Dubya was in Shannon. So maybe it's not technically AFO when POTUS isn't on it, but it must have been at one time or another. We just missed the anti-Dubya protests, as we'd been in London at the time. Oh well, NYC does a better job at that anyway =)

Big Ben!

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

At night. So pretty! So... London!

The Obligatory Phone Booth Photo

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Making ever-so-important going-out plans with SMD for the evening.

The Market!

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Ooh, meat-tastic. There were also veggies and pastries and cider that made us float around for a while...

The Coronation

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

So, when the Queen is coronated, there's this whole deal where she has an orb and a staff and even a Coronation Spoon. Plus the crown of course, and the crazy-huge cape. This is the best we could do to reenact the sacred event. Do your best to replace in your mind the toothbrush with the staff; the soap with the orb; the hat with the crown; the towel, the cape; and the sticky-note with the spoon.

Traitor's Gate, Tower of London

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

This is where we were sent after taking the previous picture. Something about disrespecting the image of David Bowie...
Ok not really. But you knew that. This is, however, where Mel Gibson was brought into the Tower during filming of Braveheart.

The Obligatory Castle Guard Photo

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

But... this time with super David Bowie action! Don't worry, TMQ explained everything to the guard, who seemed fine with it... well, he neither objected nor even moved, but he does have a great story to tell his buddies now =)

Parliament/Big Ben

Originally uploaded by ertzeid.

Y'know how the House of Commons gets really into their debating? Well it all happens somewhere in this big building. The closest we got was this, taken from the London Eye. Ok that's not true, we were on the sidewalk next to it, but we missed the House of Commons session.